Tuesday 22 November 2011

Level Design Ideas

Okay, so before we were set the level design assignment I had just started reading a book called "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson. So when we were told we had to draw inspiration from a piece of text I just decided to keep reading this book and see what I could take from it. I could've chosen many different ideas from this book but I chose to use this piece of text which contains one of my favourite quotes from the book.

“Allow me to say first that this was not a very complicated assignment, apart from the fact that the description of the task itself was somewhat vague. You wanted to know ‘everything that could be dug up’ about him, but gave no indication of whether there were anything in particular you were looking for. For this reason it’s something of a pout-pourri of his life. The report is 193 pages long, but 120 pages are copies of articles he wrote or press clippings. Blomkvist is a public person with few secrets and not very much to hide.”
“But he does have some secrets?” Frode Said.
“Everyone has secrets,” she replied neutrally. “It’s just a matter of finding out what they are.”

My 3-D level will be based on a game about a private investigator who is hired (at least for this level or part of the game) to dig up as much information about the C.E.O of an industrial corporation as they can. Their client (An industrial journalist) is certain that this guy has more than a few skeletons in his closet and he wants proof so that he can expose him.

My level will be set in a building (torn between a manor and an industrial facility) where said secrets can be found out. The player will have to infiltrate the building using means they deem necessary or ethical to gain the documentation/data their client requires. Whether it's to go in all guns blazing, stealthily work their way around security or blend in as an employ of the company they must avoid detection at all costs.

Just as a small footnote to anybody who enjoys reading. Check out the Millenium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson. I've recently finished this book and would recommend it to anyone.

Peace out

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